Prescription Safety Glasses FAQ


Considering a new pair of prescription safety glasses? Explore these common FAQs to find out why you need safety glasses, how to care for your new pair and why it’s crucial to select the best pair for your particular activity. Review these FAQs before shopping for the latest brands at Safety Gear Pro.

Why Are Safety Glasses Important?

Protective eyewear seems unnecessary until you experience an accident. Whether at work, around your home or at a shooting range, there are a number of incidents that could otherwise cause serious injury. Here are some common causes of injury that safety glasses are designed to prevent:

Be sure to look for eyeglasses that are ANSI rated to avoid damaged glasses or serious eye injuries. Beyond these serious issues, safety glasses can also protect your eyes in other ways. Pick up a pair of safety sunglasses for comfortable vision and UV protection while working outside.

Safety glasses with a prescription lens help you see clearly as you take aim at a shooting range or prepare to tackle a DIY project. Look for safety glasses that include your prescription for each lens. Personalized prescriptions help you avoid wearing two pairs of glasses or sacrificing clear vision as you work.

How Do I Disinfect Safety Glasses?

Frequent disinfecting steps help promote long-lasting, comfortable eyewear that keeps you safe. Don’t let jobsite dirt, daily dust or contaminating spills affect the safety or comfort of your glasses. To disinfect your glasses, you’ll need these items:

Start by soaking the cloth in the disinfectant solution. Wipe every area of your prescription safety glasses frames and lenses. Leave your glasses to dry for at least 10 minutes before moving on to the next step. Failure to wait until the disinfectant is fully dried may prevent it from fully disinfecting your glasses.

Once your frames are fully dried, use lens cleaner and a lens cleaning cloth to wipe off the lenses. All safety glasses from Safety Gear Pro come with a free bottle of lens cleaner. Be sure to only use approved lens cleaner, as harsh cleaners can remove the anti-fog or anti-scratch coating from your lenses.

Follow these steps periodically to keep your glasses safely sanitized. These steps are particularly important if you wear your safety glasses every day or wear them in areas where they may be exposed to dirt, dust or other contaminants.

Prescription Safety Glasses

Why Are Safety Glasses Required When Welding?

Welding poses several serious risks to your eye health. This professional task or hobby can cause flying debris to come in contact with your face or eyes. An even more common risk is intense light. Never weld or work in a room where someone is welding without the proper protective gear.

A welding helmet provides much of the protection you need, but its breathable design means you’re still susceptible to flying debris. Be sure to wear lightweight, comfortable safety glasses under your welding helmet to stay safe while welding. Consider using safety sunglasses for even more light protection.

Why Wear Safety Glasses When You’re Shooting?

A safe experience at a shooting range or on a hunting trip can be a great weekend pastime. Using a firearm comes with eye risks, but the best prescription safety glasses help you see clearly and take aim confidently. Look for glasses with yellow lenses for better vision in low-light conditions, or pick up safety sunglasses to keep your eyes protected in direct sunlight.

The most common eye-related risk is a flying cartridge. After firing a handgun, rifle or shotgun, the empty cartridge is ejected before a new round is chambered. Firearms are designed to eject the cartridge away from the shooter, but accidents happen. A flying cartridge may be sent directly toward your face, which poses a risk while shooting.

Safety glasses are an essential piece of gear when using a firearm in any situation. From your local shooting range to an intense competition, keep your vision clear and your eyes safety protected whether you’re firing a single shot or emptying multiple magazines.

Shop for safety glasses at Safety Gear Pro to prepare for any activity that poses a risk to your eyes. Enjoy comfortable outdoor activities, workplace projects or shooting pastimes with quality eyewear from leading brands.