How To Make Safety Glasses Anti Fog How To Guide
Apply Anti-Fog Coating
One of the first lines of defense against errant fog is anti-fog coating which can be applied directly to the lenses of your safety glasses. Some glasses manufacturers sell this product, which is typically sprayed on the lenses upon the appearance of condensation. These sprays work by reducing the surface tension on lenses and thus reducing the ability of H2O molecules to cling.

Try a Different Eyewear Design
If your glasses fog up constantly, it may simply be due to a design flaw. There are plenty of anti-fog safety glasses that won’t plague you with this problem, so it might be time to try a different eyewear design. Do some research and find a pair of safety glasses with features such as the following:
- Specialized anti fog coating
- OSHA approved
- ANSI rating of Z87.1
- Compliant with workplace standards
You should be able to find a promising pair of lenses with these criteria, and chances are, they’ll be an upgrade from your current frames!

Consider Some Home Remedies
If you don’t want to buy special anti fog spray or invest in a new pair of anti fog safety goggles, you might feel compelled to see what solutions exist at home. There are several home remedies you can try in order to combat condensation accumulating on your lenses. If you have rubbing alcohol and dish soap at home, you can start by making your own anti fog spray! Mix ¼ cup of water with ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol and a teaspoon of dish soap. Shake vigorously to mix and then spray on glasses as needed!

Make Some Simple Adjustments
Another way to minimize foggy glasses is to simply avoid environments that make your glasses fog up. If you start paying attention, you’ll likely notice a pattern emerge indicating the cause of the fog. For many people, their lenses fog up when they experience a sudden change in the temperature of their environment. If you avoid such changes, you might avoid foggy glasses, too.

Invest in Anti-Fog Safety Glasses
Perhaps the easiest solution of all is to simply invest in a new pair of anti-fog safety glasses. The best anti fog safety glasses are specially designed with a formula similar to the one used in anti fog sprays. Rather than requiring manual application of this formula, though, anti fog safety goggles are made with lenses that are already coated in it. This eliminates the inconvenience of spraying your lenses with a solution every time they fog up, and it prevents the problem from happening in the first place!

1. Why do I need anti-fog safety glasses?
Anti-fog safety glasses are a necessity for any environment where you need clear vision and eye protection. When your safety glasses fog up, it impedes your vision, and this is a major hazard in any industrial workplace.
2. What are the best anti fog safety glasses?
There are many different types of anti-fog safety glasses to choose from. You should research available models to see which ones meet your requirements in order to find the best ones.
3. Who should wear anti-fog safety glasses?
Anti-fog safety glasses are an essential piece of personal protective equipment for anybody whose job causes their glasses to fog up regularly. This can include people who are exposed to chemicals or sudden changes in environment on a regular basis.
4. Can I wear my prescription glasses under anti-fog safety glasses?
It is ill-advised to wear prescription glasses under anti-fog safety glasses for several reasons. Some people think that this is safe, but in reality, your prescription frames create space between your face and your safety glasses, which can leave you exposed to potential hazards.
5. What causes glasses to fog up in the first place?
Glasses can fog up for several reasons, but the process itself occurs when the surface of your glasses’ lenses comes into contact with warmth in the form of humidity. When the moisture from this humidity hits the solid surface of lenses, it creates condensation in the form of fog.
Keep Your Eyewear Fog-Free
Foggy eyewear isn’t just inconvenient. It’s a major hazard to your safety in the workplace. Luckily, there are anti-fog safety glasses that combat the problem and ensure you can enjoy fog-free vision regardless of what environment you’re in. You’ll find all the best brands at Safety Gear Pro. Call us at (832) 850-2979 or reach out online to find anti-fog eyewear.