How To Be a Successful Safety Engineer in Construction Industry

One of the best ways to spread the gospel of safety is through effectively developed safety program training. This training should be aimed at construction managers and workers, and it should provide a thorough education regarding the benefits of safety awareness. People often neglect safety protocol because they perceive it to conflict with their own goals, but training can show them that this isn’t the case. In order to show workers the importance of safety, you need to get them involved through hands-on investment. Workers are unlikely to care about a workplace safety program that doesn’t directly affect them, but if you show them that it does impact them, they are far more likely to care. Explain to construction staff how failure to comply with safety protocol jeopardizes their safety and income. Of course, even the best construction safety program is unlikely to spur 100% policy compliance. There will be incidents in which you will need to hold staff accountable for infractions. You can do so by reminding them of the consequences of safety violations — they are risking bodily harm and placing their livelihood on the line. Part of holding construction staff accountable is rewarding good behavior as much as it is correcting bad behavior. Keep in mind that bad behavior shouldn’t be penalized — at least not initially — but instead redirected towards the correct course of action. This, in conjunction with rewards for conscientious compliance, can create a culture where safety always comes first. Construction safety engineers are responsible for more than just dictating responsibilities to workers. You also need to inspect the site and conduct safety meetings on a daily basis. When you’re conducting meetings, this is a great opportunity to reinforce positive behaviors and provide correction to any infractions you may have observed — without naming names, of course. Starting the day with an acknowledgment of safety helps to keep it in workers’ minds all day long. OSHA tracks many construction site safety infractions and lists a lack of guard rails and scaffolds as the most common. This causes many fall-related injuries and deaths. Rewarding compliance is a big part of maintaining a successful construction safety program. You can accomplish this with affirmative verbal feedback, or you can provide literal rewards in the form of gift cards and other small valuables. A construction site safety engineer is responsible for maintaining a workplace safety program that trains staff in correct safety protocol. They are also responsible for daily safety meetings and site inspections. There are a range of consequences that can occur when a safety violation occurs on a construction site. Sometimes an OSHA citation and fine will be issued. In worse cases, injuries and even death could occur as a result of the violation in question. A major part of safety compliance is wearing the correct personal protective equipment on a construction site. For most construction environments, this includes a hard hat, safety vest, hard-toe shoes, and hearing protection. It is essential that safety engineers enforce PPE requirements on a construction site. Construction sites are full of hazards. You can fall, get hit, or experience hearing damage if you aren’t careful. Luckily, compliance with construction site safety protocol can massively reduce the likelihood of such accidents and help keep all staff safe. Safety Gear Pro can help you achieve this goal with our impressive selection of PPE and safety equipment. Call us at (832) 850-2979 or get in touch online for assistance with your safety gear needs.How To Be a Successful Safety Engineer in Construction Industry How To Guide
Get Workers Involved and Invested
Hold Everyone Accountable
Reward the Good, Correct the Bad
Conduct Daily Site Inspections and Safety Meetings
1. What is the most common safety infraction on a construction site?
2. How should I reward compliance with safety protocol?
3. What responsibilities does a construction site safety engineer have?
4. What are the consequences of safety violations on a construction site?
5. What kind of protective gear is required on a construction site?
Staying Safe on a Construction Site